May 23, 2020

Can shampoo moisturizing, nutrition or restored hair?

After all, the composition of any shampoo besides a cleansing components also contains moisturizing and/or nourishing ingredients, in addition to them there are also filling components and conditioning.

Find a shampoo which would consist only of surfactants and could only to clean - this is truly a very difficult task! 😱🙈 I'm still looking for these, because even in special deep-cleaning shampoos you can find additional components - keratin, glycerin, polyquaterniums, silicones, oils and etc.

Have you ever wondered why it's impossible to use the same shampoo for a long months and years?
And the answer is simple!
The "extra" components in shampoos gradually accumulate on your hair and over time occurs an "addictive" effect.
And if you change the shampoo to another, then at first it will seem to you that everything is good and the new shampoo is perfect for you, but after a while everything will happen again. You will find yourself in a closed circle 😵

Most likely you'll immediately have a logical question about it:
"Why do the shampoos contain "unnecessary/extra" ingredients? I want my shampoo just to clean my hair! I want to use all the following additional care by myself, as needed!?"

Everything is easy and simple - most people mostly have a dry, damaged, porous hair. And if such hair is washed with shampoo, which “just cleans”, then many people won't like it. After these shampoos, they can easily get a matted rough nest, lack of softness and matte shine on their hairs.

And that's why manufacturers create most universal shampoos that can additionally care for hair already at the washing stage.

But there are such people (I'm one of them), who have healthy, thin, straight, low-porous hair. And from such "universal" shampoos they get extra and unwanted care which provokes various problems.

Choose shampoos based not on the label and appearance, but only on their compositions, which is usually located on the back of the packaging. Learn to read and try to understand it. This is main and priority for every hairmaniac.
Look for those shampoos that contain the least amount of ingredients. Make sure that the composition doesn't contain film-forming components, silicones, desirable to avoid oils, proteins. Moisturizing ingredients are welcome, because they're never superfluous.

always keep in stock 2-3 different shampoos. You can alternate between them (for example, softer use in one day, more aggressive in another). And also don't forget to periodically clean your hair with deep-cleansing shampoo 😉👌

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