May 18, 2020

About me

Glad to welcome you in my blog!
My name is Alice Fox and I'm a Russian experienced hairmaniac.
I'll share with you my hair care secrets and tricks, as well as try to help you understand this difficult topic.

About the condition of my hair I thought first in 2005, when I bleached them for the first time in my life. But real meaningful and intentional care I began in 2010. Also from the same time I started my first steps in herbal dyeing, first with henna and a little later with indigo.
My natural hair never had a good genetics and the state that I have now, I've achieved only by my persistence and regular care. Alas, this is not a God gift, as many call it, but it's a long and painstaking work.

Hair is my passion. My mood and the image as a whole depend of their appearance and condition. Since childhood, after watching the anime Sailor moon, I've had a burning desire to grow chic, soft and insanely shiny long hair to the tailbone. But I broke off many times and dyed my hair in various colors (blond, red, brown, black and so on in a circle). Because of this, their quality deteriorated and each time I had to cut them very shortly and start all over again.
More details about my past experiments and mockery of hair, you can soon read in the appropriate post.

I want to warn you right away - I’m not a trichologist, not a doctor, not a chemist, not a biologist, and not just another blogger who makes money for hair care programs. I'm an ordinary girl who seeks to understand the topic of hair care by myself, trying to carefully study various sources and literature on this theme.

Will you take my advice or not - it's up to you to decide. Just remember one important thing that hair care is too individual and requires a lot of time to select the right products that suitable only for your hair, as well as to understand their needs and determine their condition at the moment.

No bloggers and other charlatans will be able to put your hair in order and even more so make up a hair care program for you focusing only on your photos! Only YOU know your hair like no other, because you spend with them side by side your entire conscious life. And only YOU can help your hair and transform them every day only for the better!

P.S.: I want to apologize to you in advance for my "bad" English, because this is not my native language and I don't have regular practice with native speakers. Therefore, I can make gross errors in spelling. But I hope for your understanding 🙏🏻😇

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